Beginning a new relationship can be anxious and exciting at the same time. Wanting to know someone better is normal, but coming up with questions to ask can be challenging.

To help you out, here are 21 questions to ask in a new relationship.

1: What are your hobbies and interests?

This is a great question to start with to get a sense of what your partner likes to do in their free time.

2: What kind of music do you like?

Music can be a great conversation starter, and it can also reveal a lot about a person’s personality.

3: What is your favorite movie?

This question can lead to a discussion about movies, but it can also give you insight into your partner’s values and preferences.

4: What is your favorite book?

Similar to the previous question, this can lead to a conversation about literature and also reveal something about your partner’s interests.

5: What do you like to do for fun?

This question can give you a sense of your partner’s personality and what they like to do in their free time.

6: What is your favorite food?

Food is a universal topic, and asking about your partner’s favorite food can lead to a discussion about different cuisines and restaurants.

7: What is your favorite travel destination?

This question can lead to a conversation about travel and also reveal something about your partner’s sense of adventure.

8: What do you do for a living?

This is a practical question, but it’s also important to know what your partner does for work.

9: What is your favorite thing about your job?

This question can give you a sense of your partner’s career aspirations and what they enjoy about their job.

10: What are your long-term goals?

It’s important to know what your partner wants for their future, and this question can lead to a discussion about life goals.

11: What do you value most in a relationship?

This question can give insight into what your partner wants and needs in a relationship.

12: What is your biggest fear?

This question can reveal something about your partner’s personality and also give you an opportunity to offer support.

13: What is your biggest accomplishment?

This question can lead to a conversation about achievements and goals, and it can also give you insight into what your partner values.

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14: What is your favorite childhood memory?

This question can lead to a conversation about childhood experiences and also give you insight into your partner’s upbringing.

15: What do you think is your best quality?

This question can reveal something about your partner’s self-esteem and also give you insight into what they value about themselves.

16: What is something that you would like to learn?

This question can lead to a discussion about education and personal growth, and it can also reveal something about your partner’s interests.

17: What is your idea of a perfect date?

This question can give insight into what your partner finds romantic and enjoyable.

18: What is something that you’re passionate about?

This question can lead to a conversation about hobbies, interests, and causes that are important to your partner.

19: What is something that makes you happy?

This question can give you insight into what brings joy to your partner’s life.

20: What is something that makes you sad?

This question can reveal something about your partner’s emotional state and also give you an opportunity to offer support.

21: What is something that you’re looking forward to in the future?

This question can lead to a conversation about hopes and dreams, and it can also give you insight into your partner’s outlook on life.


These inquiries can help you learn more about your partner and can spark interesting discussions that can improve your relationship. Always be frank and truthful with your partner.

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