For many artists, especially those who are just starting out, drawing lips can be difficult.

However, with some practice and the right techniques, you can learn to draw lips that look realistic and expressive.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how to draw lips step-by-step in this article.

Step 1: Sketch the Basic Shape of the Lips

Start by sketching the basic shape of the lips. The upper lip and the lower lip are the two main components of lips.

Draw a horizontal line to mark the position of the lips, and then sketch two curved lines to represent the upper and lower lips. Typically, the upper lip is more curved and thinner than the lower lip.

Step 2: Define the Outline of the Lips

Once you have sketched the basic shape of the lips, define the outline of the lips. Start by drawing the shape of the upper lip, paying close attention to the curves and angles. Then, move on to the lower lip, again paying attention to the curves and angles. Make sure that the outline of the lips is smooth and free of any jagged edges.

Step 3: Add Details to the Lips

Now it’s time to add some details to the lips. Start by drawing the philtrum, which is the indentation above the upper lip. Then, draw the Cupid’s bow, which is the V-shaped curve on the upper lip. The lower lip should have a slight curve towards the corners of the mouth and a small bump in the center.

Step 4: Shade the Lips

Once you have added the details to the lips, it’s time to shade them to give them dimension and depth. Start by shading the areas around the edges of the lips to create a sense of depth. Then, shade the inside of the lips, with the darkest areas being in the corners of the mouth. Finally, add highlights to the lips to create a sense of shine and reflectivity.

Step 5: Refine and Adjust

Take a step back and look at your drawing. If any areas look off, now is the time to refine and adjust them. Pay close attention to the shape and proportion of the lips, as well as the shading and highlights.

Tips for Drawing Lips:

  • To help you better comprehend the contours and ratios of the lips, use reference pictures.
  • Pay close attention to the angles and curves of the lips to make them look more realistic.
  • Practice shading to create a sense of depth and dimension in your drawings.
  • Use a variety of pencils to create different levels of shading and texture.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes – practice makes perfect!


Drawing lips can be a challenging task, but with some practice and the right techniques, you can create realistic and expressive lips in your drawings. Remember to pay close attention to the shape, proportion, and shading of the lips, and use reference images to help guide you along the way.

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